Azimuths run anticlockwise. North is 0.

Azimuths run clockwise. South is 0.

Local Solar Time
Local Hour Angle
Compass point
Equation of Time
Zonal Solar Time
Solar → Clock
Noon clock
Noon declination
Noon Equation of Time
Sunrise on clock
Sunrise Hour Angle
Sunrise azimuth
Sunrise compass point
Sunset on clock
Sunset Hour Angle
Sunset azimuth
Sunset compass point
Your latitude
Your longitude

Convert solar to clock time by adding the Solar → Clock value shown (add negative is subtract).

Solar data are adjusted for atmospheric refraction. Compass points are within ±11¼°.

Offered 'as is'; accuracy is not guaranteed. Written by Steve Lelievre using Jean Meeus' Astronomical Algorithms and refraction formulae found on the NOAA website.

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